Point Betsie Lighthouse 10-21-2017

This past fall I knew I wanted to go up north one last time before winter. The main goal of the trip was to chill but also to make it to the historic Point Betsie Lighthouse. I had seen a photo of it as a Chrysler ad at my work so I wanted to try and get some kind of skate photo there. It was a lot harder then I thought because waves were crashing in and I wanted to shoot it on my Minolta. I ended up getting my pants completely soaked, and Pat probably wasn't too happy to have to wallride something this sketchy. Regardless, we knew we had to get it because we drove all the way there. I’ve always been interested in the fact that we are skating something that was built so long ago, and has a history behind it. Pretty hyped on the trip none the less, always a good time exploring new areas up north in MI. I can't wait to go more places next year! 

The photos above are a few shots from the drive up, it was about and hour and a half. We found a cool little bank spot and a couple scenic lookout areas. Always great to see the fall colors!

We stumbled across this really great sign on the way as well, had to stop and get a quick polaroid of it. Taken with my SX-70 with the new Polaroid film, cropped square. 

Located in Frankfort, Michigan the lighthouse was built in 1858, and began operation in 1859. I’ve read that it was $5,000 to build. I’ve always been really interested in the fact that we are skating something that was built so long ago, and has a history behind it. We ended up making perfect time and arriving at golden hour. Above is the wallride photo we got. Stoked that we were able to end the fall season with a trip like this. We chilled here and watched the full sunset then we got a session in at the Frankfort park before it got too dark. Great times, quick video by Donald Frith below.

Monster Children #57

Pretty hyped to have this photo in issue #57 of Monster Children. I shot this over the summer and never really thought about much of it. Once I posted it on Instagram I had a lot of people respond to it. I entered it into the photo contest and sent in some other submissions. Stoked they chose to use this. Can't wait to show Rashad & Amir and hopefully give them a copy. 

Ripped Flag

Back in the summer I spotted this flag in southwest Detroit. I kept getting my film done and not really liking what I got. One of the times I went to shoot it the owner of the house pulled up on me and asked me what I was doing. I said I was getting a picture of his flag, and he said why don't you go find a better one. He also thought I was an inspector. This one was the best I got. I am not sure if he wants to see me again but I may be back, and he was actually nice once he found out I wasn't an inspector. I wanted this photo bad because I consider this flag a symbol of the USA right now. Hopefully it will get better, and/or he'll take it down. 

Silverdome #RIP

This past weekend while I was in Portland the Pontiac Silverdome was scheduled to be "imploded". They invited people to go out and watch as it happened. I'm not sure I actually would have gone to it but it failed, and made me kinda wish I was there. Pretty funny to see all the news stories that came out about it. The explosives went off but it didn't collapse, pretty embarrassing, but sad at the same time. A couple days later they tried again and it worked. This photo was from August 17th, 2015 when my friend Dom and I went there to get a couple skate photos (that I'm still saving for now) . This was our second trip back. It was crazy dodging security and all that but nothing beats standing on a field that Michael Jackson, Led Zeppelin, and Barry Sanders played on....just to name a few. I'm thankful I got to see it even though I never went while it was actually in use.  

November 19th 2016

On November 19th last year I shot my first roll on a canon sure shot that was given to me when my grandpa passed away. I was bored and it was raining so I drove around to see what I could get into. Before I knew it I was out for 3 hours and shot a whole roll of weird signs all around the city. I figured i'd make a zine or something but never really did. Here are the photos. RIP Jack Green. Click to make photos larger.

Also Gone.

I have taken quite a few photos of this hoop that was in Del Ray at a crumbling recreation center. After I posted one Andrew from SMPLFD Clothing told me he was actually the one who painted the hoop. One day I even stepped on a nail and had to drive myself to the ER with a shoe full of blood. It's only a matter of months before this whole city is demolished for the new Gordie Howe bridge to Canada. Sad to see that this hoop was gone the other day, hopefully they preserved it.


For some reason I feel like lately a lot of stuff is changing. Most likely i'm just over thinking, however I was pretty sad to see that the last time I went by these dresses near The Heidelberg Project, they were gone. Here is a photo of them on a foggy day awhile back. 

Mongo Mash - PG Birthday 10/28/2017

Last Saturday along with Pluskateboarding we had a Halloween themed event at The Wig called the "Mongo Mash". It was also Pat Galloway's birthday. In the morning the park was soaked and we didn't know if it would ever dry because of how cold it was, and of course the sun wasn't out. By midday the park was dry. All the homies ended up showing up, and it turned out really fun. Enjoy some photos below, shot on ektar 100 film. Click to make larger. 

Korean Bell

The other day I was going through a hard drive and saw this photo of my friend Dale Decker doing a fast plant at the "Korean Bell" in San Pedro, California. This was on September 27th, 2015. I always liked the way this trick looked, and how the guy is escorting his girl while looking at the trick. Thanks Dale.  Stay tuned for my next blog post that will be from a Halloween Party at The Wig. 


A couple weeks ago I noticed when it was golden hour and the sun was shining at this old Mobil sign that it still read Mob. It has been cloudy lately but it was nice to finally get it. I shot it around 5:30pm from a neighborhood across the highway with my 70-200.  Click to make larger.